Practise areas

*Key sectors :

1/ Governments, Politics & Public/European Sectors

2/ Bank, Investment Funds, Financial Services

3/ New Technologies, Digital & Innovation

4/ Environment, Impact & Corporate Social Responsibility

I/ Corporate Strategy

1/ Public policy consulting

A.M. International advises governments in the formulation and implementation of their public policies :

  • Definition of long-term strategic visions for national development plans ;

  • Formulation and implementation of sectoral policies : State efficiency, sustainable growth, public debt structuration, economic sovereignty, immigration, innovation ;

  • Support to presidential and ministerial cabinets on strategic tasks and other topics.

2/ Corporate strategy consulting & business intelligence

The Firm offers its clients customized consulting services, related to their needs and to the global challenges they have to adapt to for their internal transformation projects :

  • understanding challenges of the current era related to new technologies, global warming, efficiency of public sector and new finance with associated business opportunities (strategic papers, foresight, business development) ;

  • supporting business leaders in the current economic era by helping them to understand challenges they are facing and to find the most appropriate solutions to respond to them, finding perspectives for the world of tomorrow in the short and long run with a multidisciplinary view and multi-sector perspective ;

  • identification of risks and opportunities of contemporary and future changes ;

  • suggestion of action drivers & strategic recommendations, steering of the activity development and follow-up of the implementation.

3/ Start-ups incubator & implementation of business models oriented towards GovTech/FinTech and new technologies (blockchain, smart contracts, ICOs, artificial intelligence, tokenization, robotization & data processing)

4/ Master class dedicated to international current challenges

II/ Business Law

1/ Supporting clients for legal structuring with securing of their activities & advice on fundraisings :

-corporate law & M&A : full range of essential mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, private equity (venture capital) and governance practices (including topic of corporate social responsibility) ;

-banking, financial, regulatory and civil law ;

-anti-money laundering, economic sanctions & business ethics :

  • Support in the design and implementation of robust compliance programs ;

  • Pre- and post-acquisition anti-corruption due diligence with prevention and control (training, due diligence, contractual clauses, analysis and management of risks, internal controls, IT, etc.) ;

  • Ongoing advice on compliance matters and crisis management ;

  • Constant study of global economic sanctions and embargos.

2/ Business litigation : assistance of public and private companies in their financial, economic or commercial disputes but also real persons (liability, white collar crime)

III/ Public Affairs & Influence

The Firm has a recognized and strong expertise in dealing with French and European public authorities helping its clients improve their activities

Promotion and defense of rights & interests, respectively of public sector with citizens, and private sector with public institutions willing to adopt normative measures :

  1. Preparation or monitoring work by taking into consideration global trends which are likely to have an impact on the interests of the client (research and analysis, comparative studies etc.) and monitoring of texts of interest to clients (analysis of political and regulatory changes, comparative law, anticipation of new rules etc.) ;

  2. Mapping of key interlocutors and contact with public decision-makers who produce rules, and private decision-makers in order to promote, defend and bring about shifts in positions (strategic influence support, steering negotiation, lobbying and advocacy actions etc.) ;

  3. Drafting of notes and position papers, designing the influence strategy ;

  4. High level events organized for promoting interests and defending the institutional brand ;

  5. Consolidation of the reference market position in a long run.

The Firm has also a core activity in corporate diplomacy by helping foreign companies in their international establishment. It helps companies or governments to promote interests in France and to settle in the local environment.

This Public Affairs & Influence pillar works closely with the Cercle Orion, a reference political and business think-tank very connected to numerous decision-makers at a national, European and international scale.